The Beast Reawakens

The Beast Reawakens is a book by investigative journalist Martin A. Lee. It tells the story of old-guard fascists' strategy for survival and the revival of fascism. Special attention is given to ODESSA actions during the Cold War, international fascist networks, and political inroads to the right-wing mainstream.

It was published in 1997 by Little, Brown and Company (ISBN 0-316-51959-6). Later printings carried the subtitle: "Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists".

It opens with a quotation from (an Otto Skorzeny favorite) T. E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

Table of contents

Part, chapter or section Title Subjects
Introduction July 20 Plot, Otto Ernst Remer, Otto Skorzeny, the Cold War
CHAPTER ONE Shifting Alliances
Scarface Otto Skorzeny
Endgames Allen Dulles, Walter Schellenberg, Wilhelm Canaris, Reinhard Gehlen, Karl Wolff, Karl Dönitz
A Critical Hiatus Yalta Conference, Skorzeny, the Nuremberg Trials, Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gehlen's Gambit Reinhard Gehlen, Allen Dulles, Anti-Communism, U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps, CIA, James Critchfield
The U.S. Army's ODESSA File U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps, ODESSA, Wehrwolf, Hartmann Lauterbacher
CHAPTER TWO The Seesaw Strategy Otto Ernst Remer, Denazification, Socialist Reich Party
Hitler's Bodyguard Remer, Denazification, Socialist Reich Party
Restoration Konrad Adenauer, Hans Globke, Bund Deutscher Jugend, Christian Democratic Union
Exile in Madrid Skorzeny, Madrid, Hjalmar Schacht, Otto Horcher, Horia Sima, Léon Degrelle, Willi Messerschmitt, Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit
Playing the Eastern Card Skorzeny, Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit, Malmedy massacre, Alfried Krupp, Schaukelpolitik, Sepp Dietrich, Jochen Peiper
The Spook Who Never Returned Joseph Stalin, Fritz Dorls, Bruderschaft, Alfred Franke-Gricksch
Golden Handcuffs Prussia, Treaty of Rapallo, 1922, National Bolshevism, Remer
CHAPTER THREE Neo-Nazi Diaspora
Wotan at the Funny Farm Harold Keith Thompson, German-American Bund, National Renaissance Party, James Madole, House Un-American Activities Committee, Frederick C. F. Weiss, Eustace Mullins, Matt Koehl, Dan Burros
The Man with Many Aliases Francis Parker Yockey, Imperium:, Oswald Spengler, Anti-Americanism
European Liberation Front Yockey, Oswald Mosley, Anthony Gannon, MSI
Rumblings from Prague Yockey, H. Keith Thompson, Torquemada, George Sylvester Viereck, Prague Trials, Rudolf Slánský, Frederick Weiss
The Flying Ace Skorzeny, Juan Perón, Eva Perón, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Dr. Carl Vaernet, Josef Mengele, Alfredo Stroessner, Ante Pavelić, Der Weg, Maurice Bardèche
CHAPTER FOUR The Swastika and the Crescent
Coup d'état in Cairo Gamal Abdel Nasser's Egypt, Skorzeny, Haj Amin al-Husayni
A Mecca for Fascists Yockey, Cairo, Remer, Johann von Leers, A. F. X. Baron, Yasser Arafat, Oskar von Dirlewanger, Fedayeen, John Foster Dulles
Double-Agent Intrigue Bandung, Non-Aligned Movement, Nasser, Egyptian-Soviet relations, Skorzeny, Wilhelm Voss, Miles Copeland. Jr., the Mossad, Isser Harel, Suez Crisis, Alois Brunner
The Wrath of the Red Hand Algerian National Liberation Front, Mohammed Said, Ahmed Ben Bella, Wilhelm Beisner, Anti-imperialism, Erwin Schönborn, Graf Zimmerman, Charles de Gaulle
Trials and Tribulations Adolf Eichmann, Wolfgang Lotz, Heinz Felfe
CHAPTER FIVE Nostalgics and Revisionists
Cult of the Inquisitor Yockey, Willis Allison Carto, the Liberty Lobby, Imperium:
White Power Politics George Lincoln Rockwell, Roy Frankhauser, Dan Burros, the Ku Klux Klan, Matt Koehl, Povl Riis-Knudsen
The China Option Jean-François Thiriart, Adolf von Thadden
Flirting with the Left Juan Perón, Thiriart,
Twilight of the Idols Skorzeny, Klaus Barbie, Gerhard Harmut von Schubert, Prince Junio Valerio Borghese, Stefano delle Chiaie
CHAPTER SIX A Gathering Storm
Breaking a Taboo Dixmude, Remer, Michael Kühnen
Armies of the Right Rudel, Kühnen, Remer, Degrelle, Ray Hill, skinheads, British National Front
New Right with an Old Twist Alain de Benoist, Front National, Jean-Marie Le Pen
Browns and Greens August Haussleiter, Herbert Gruhl, Rudolf Bahro, Bitburg
The Politics of Denial Ernst Nolte, Holocaust denial, Institute for Historical Review, The Spotlight, Austin App, Issah Nakleh, World Muslim Congress, Dr. Inamullah Kahn, William Grimstead, Patrick Buchanan, Mark Lane, Mel Mermelstein, Remer
Before the Deluge Kühnen, Republikaner Party, Franz Schönhuber
CHAPTER SEVEN Germany Reunited
Catharsis The fall of the Berlin Wall, November 9, German reunification, Helmut Kohl, Kühnen, Ingo Hasselbach, Günter Grass
Paramilitaries and Poison Gas Gottfried Küssel, Gerhard Lauck, Saddam Hussein, the 1991 Gulf War
Groomed to Be Führer Kühnen's death, Christian Worch, Frank Hübner, Bela Ewald Althans
Cadre Building David Irving, Karl Philipp, Remer, Althans
The Deutsche Mob Helmut Kohl, Anti-immigrant actions
Capitulation Rostock, Mölln, Ingo Hasselbach
CHAPTER EIGHT Shadow Over the East
"Prussia Lives!" Frederick the Great, Klaus Naumann, Reinhard Willnow, Dieter Stein, Junge Freiheit
Territorial Imperative German Revanchism, Eduard Lintner, Vladimir Meciar, Günter Boschütz, Kaliningrad, Joachim Siegerist, Latvian Waffen SS
The Balkan Furnace Yugoslav wars, Croatian Defence Forces, Ustaše, Michel Faci, Franjo Tudjman, Alojzije Stepinac, Ion Antonescu, Hans-Seidl Stiftung, Josef Tiso
Courting Mother Russia Werewolf Legion, Jews for Jesus, Schindler's List, Lev Korneev, Aleksandr Barkashov, Pamyat, Valery Emelyanov, Dmitri Vasiliev, Russian National Unity, Boris Yeltsin, Aleksei Petrenko, abortive putsch August 1991, "the Third Rome", Christian Worch, Galicia Division, Stepan Bandera, Ernst Zündel, Aleksandr Stergilov, Red-Brown
Here Come the National Bolsheviks Eduard Limonov, Serbia, Michael Bakunin, Joseph Stalin, Yukio Mishima, Andrei Sakharov, National Bolshevik Front, Ernst Niekisch, Ernst Jünger, de Benoist, Thiriart, Yegor Ligachev, Aleksandr Dugin, Gennadi Zyuganov, Julius Evola, European Liberation Front, Michel Schneider
Dreaming of a New Rapallo Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, Liberal Democratic Party, Edwin Neuworth, Gerhard Frey, Chechnya
CHAPTER NINE From the Margins to the Mainstream
Playing with Fire Anti-Turkish violence, Klaus Kinkel, Richard von Weizsäcker, Christian Riha, Bernd Schmitt, Dennis Mahon, Nationalistische Front, Meinolf Schönborn, Herbert Schweiger
Aryan Machinations Richard G. Butler, Church of Jesus Christ Christian, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity, Tom Metzger, White Aryan Resistance, the Iron Guard, ZOG, Kirk Lyons, David Tate, the Order, Robert Jay Mathews, The Turner Diaries, William Pierce, Robert Miles, Louis Beam, Jr., Fort Smith sedition trial, Fred Leuchter, Jürgen Rieger, CAUSE, Gerhard Lauck, Bound for Glory (band)
The Road to Oklahoma City Oklahoma City bombing, John Trochman, Pete Peters, Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Andreas Strassmeir, Aryan Republican Army
Onward Christian Patriots Liberty Lobby, David Duke, Billy McCormick, Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson, Larry Pratt, The Bell Curve, Roger Pearson, Mankind Quarterly, Dinesh D'Souza
Pity the Poor Immigrant Immigration, Vlaams Blok, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Austrian Freedom Party, Jörg Haider, Gianfranco Fini, Movimento Sociale Italiano, Alessandra Mussolini
Fifty Years After Franz Schönhuber, Ernst Jünger
Notes, Bibliography, Index

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